Wednesday, July 6, 2011

And then there were three...

No - I didn't get another kitty. This one just showed up. This is Lucky. Lucky is a BIG kitty. He's even bigger than Jacques. He showed up in the yard and was still there the next morning. So I opened the door and in he came. I was going to place an add in Craig's List for a FOUND! kitty. For some reason I thought I'd search first to see if he'd been lost in the first place. Sure enough someone posted him with a picture. And it is him. But I've been trying to reach this person since then and have received no reply. :( Maybe the person is on vacation. Lucky is very lonely, but of course he and Jacques do not like each other. I'm not sure about Swee'pea yet. But I'm also not going pass him on until I've exhausted every possibility to get him back to his owner. He's a big love bug too. Sigh - how do I wind up in these situations?

On a different note - there is a "This American Life" episode - you must all hear. (When you get to the page - click on the red "play" button. The episode is about an hour long. Worth it.) It is a documentation of a group of prison inmates doing an act of Shakespeare's Hamlet. It will really blow you away. Talk about actors reflecting on their life for inspiration for their roles. It's the best acting you've ever experience. I've heard it twice now and I think I'll listen again. It gives you hope for people who recognize their wrongs, but aren't sure they should be forgiven. It's amazing. Check it out!

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