Sunday, May 29, 2011

Knitting and Garden Surprise

Well, our Pinkknit-a-thon 2011 is off and running. So I've been knitting like a mad-crazy woman. This is the first hat - it's super easy, and I am thrilled with the results! The yellow mannequin is a bit much - but don't worry I painted her sky blue pretty quickly after this photo shoot. I've been knitting for other people as well. My friend Babette in Australia was diagnosed with a brain tumor last fall (northern hemisphere fall) and I have been planning to make a hat for her ever since. I finally manage to pull together this little number based on a hat my great Aunt "helped" me make. Babette said - Grey and red - I said I don't have grey - I hope silver will substitute.
Here's the front:

and the backI decided she also might like some variety so I knitted her one of the simple knitting hats from the pinkknit-a-thon as well. I used the fabulous alpaca yarn my aunts brought from California last fall. Ugh - it is so luxurious to knit with! So soft... I hope Babette likes it.
The colors of this yarn are beautiful... I'll probably make myself, there is still plenty of yarn.
In the mean time - for me - I make fun funny things:
for example: a slug and a toad stool
Swee'pea is still "helping." I don't know how he finds the yarn anymore! I think I'm doing a good job hiding it - but more often than not, in the morning there is something he's found in the night. He also started bringing me the just-finished items. I wonder if there is something about the smell of my hands on it or something? He brought both of Babette's hats and the pink one too when I left it on the table. What is going on in that little noggin of his?

When I'm not knitting I'm fighting the ever present war on the garden. I don't know where these weeds come from. They show up over night! So there's a lot of that kind of maintenance. But of course I'm also trying to grow stuff. Go figure.
Last week after I was done planting some tomatoes, I thought I'd just try out throwing some turnip, beet and zucchini seeds into the rest of the prepared ground. The packages said germination 10-12 days.
Surprise! I have a magic garden. In two days this is what I had:a tiny stripe of beets at the bottom and a massive stripe of turnips!
The little beet greens are struggling to come up:
While the turnips don't seem to be having any problems
and the zucchini's are just doin' their thing. Tomorrow will be the winnowing day - and more gardening.

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