Sunday, February 23, 2014

Easy leather spine binding

I took a wonderful workshop through the guild of bookworkers yesterday; easy leather spine bindings. 
We were instructed to bring several completed text blocks to the course so we could concentrate on the binding.  It is genius! It makes having a beautiful leather spine so easy and almost stupid-proof. 
The case is constructed off the text block.  
Here it is in the prep faze. (it is standing on the fore-edge of the case): 
Since the case is constructed off of the text block - all of the decorative spine work can be done first. For example: if I wanted to gold stamp a title onto the spine - it would be SO MUCH easier to do it at this step rather than after the case is on the book. 
Once the leather spine is on and has had a chance to dry the boards are covered with decorative paper - or even more leather- or ???
 Then the board is glued down to the rest of the case and the book is ready to be cased in Voila!
I can't wait to find time to get in the studio and make more of these! They look so elegant. 

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