After a little bit of a setback I think I'm actually on the right track with these.
So there is the sad sketch of what I wanted. The green leather on top, blue underneath and accents. Trust me it looks fabulous in my head.
And so I tried.
I had hoped I could do it with my sewing machine but, no. Not strong enough. So I used buttonhole silk, and punched the holes myself to sew the turn over.
I hope that this seam will not pose a problem. I don't want the sewing to come unraveled.
The next step is to anchor the bottom accent. The blue leather that would go around the base of the shoe, and hide any imperfections of the upper.
I went to fold over the blue leather and tack it down in place - and it bunched. No Good.
Also - I made some booboos. At the back and three in the toe:
I don't really think I need to explain how problematic something like this is.
All of this was very discouraging. I left the shoes on Wednesday in a huff, thinking I had done a bad thing. But today I decided to remove the blue leather accent by the base of the shoe. And I think it was a good decision:
I am still a bit concerned about the kind of leather I've used. I'm not sure it will hold up to a lot of wear. However, I figure, it these don't work out, I can always replace them with something else. The wood needs a nice coat of polyurethane and then I think it will be lovely.
Must make the other shoe first!
and Garden News....
sigh - it's lovely.
had a week of warm rain so there is good news and bad news. The bad news is, the weeds went crazy - I have
to weed the brick walkway (frowny face). The good news is - everything
else went crazy too (smiley face). I have raspberries to pick by the
handfuls, tomatoes are finally turning red, herbs are exploding, shasta
daisies are blooming (!), garlic scapes are ready to harvest, sunflowers
are doing beautifully, melisse is growing rampant and the bees... Matt
came today and said the bees are doing so well they starting making
their own combs in the top part of the hive boxes! He will come
tomorrow and add more "supers". Looking forward to that honey!
Because EVERYTHING is exploding I also had a poison-something-or-other scare the other day. I
went to cut melisse for some pesto and noticed a lot of weeds. I yanked
them out before thinking and then couldn't understand why I was so
itchy all night. I'm not sure if it is mosquitoes or poison ivy or
poison sumac. None are a good thing. Mosquitoes are one thing - but the
poison other stuff is not fun. The next day I went out in the wet sweltering
heat in pants, long sleeve shirt, rain boots and gloves and scoured the
area. Miss Mary, from next door, caught me and asked what I was doing. Today Mr. El told me he could tell me what "poison-ivory" looked like.
Great! He came over and we did find some. Nasty stuff. I also am pretty
sure I yanked up some poison sumac the other day. I am treasuring these
moments of learning from Mr. El. He has been diagnosed with throat
cancer. He won't talk about it but Miss Mary keeps me posted. He is 75,
in great shape, (good) but smokes too much (bad). He goes in on the 30th for major
surgery. I am very sad about this. I am hoping for the best for him and
Miss Mary. If you have room in your prayers or whatever you do - please
say a little prayer for him. He is a good man.
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